Driven by Colors
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I strive to create paintings that are dynamic, positive, energizing and sometimes enigmatic. My recurring themes are lines, graphics, athletic bodies and departure.
—Hubert Grimonprez

Hubert Grimonprez, a modern painter
Belgian at birth, South African by adventure and Norman at heart, Hubert Grimonprez has a passion for painting, a passion for excellence.
In thirteen years, Hubert Grimonprez created around sixty modern paintings. Each of these paintings has multiple interpretations.
Already in love with drawing at a very young age, he owes it to his parents to join the prestigious École supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc, in Brussels, at the age of 15. The artistic branch was not always well regarded but I had very permissive parents who let me do and discover everything I wanted.
Hubert Grimonprez kept an artistic seed sown within him which would germinate much later.
After a few years as a salesperson and project manager in Belgium, Hubert Grimonprez left for Johannesburg, South Africa, and stayed there for seven years, working on audiovisual projects. A project often begins with a few pencil strokes.
From this period, he retained his taste for wild scenery and bodybuilding. Enough to gently water his secret seed. Back in France, he became a professor of Human Resources, Leadership and Organizational Psychology at NEOMA BS. And he met Pascale, his future wife, his muse, his model. She was interested in all forms of art, she tried them all.
In 2011, Pascale realized that her artist husband revolved around his brushes very often. She had all the equipment, but she had moved on. She was the one who pushed me to paint.
The inspiration was already in him, the style forged by his experiences too. All that remained was to put them on the canvas. Knowing how to draw is one thing, painting is completely different. It's not about filling in outlines.
These three artists, Hockney, Magritte, Vasarely, sum up almost all of Hubert Grimonprez’s inspirations. Figurative and graphic, tinged with a touch of surrealism, his modern paintings are inscribed in a succession of straight or sinuous lines suggesting travel and life choices. And often, like an intruder, a woman, who catches the eye with her presence alone, sensual, enigmatic, even daring. I like to disturb and to shake up. My goal is to make the subject or content visible more than the form. I consciously cultivate a certain form of tension.